My audience demographics on my Fohr profile are different from what my Instagram audience demographics say. Why?
We power our demographics tools on audience filters and influencer profiles with Demographics Pro.
How does Fohr use demographics pro in audience filters?
Great question! We use their data to inform audience insights.
What kind of platforms does Fohr get audience demographics information on?
Instagram! But we're actively working on expanding this.
What audience filters are available?
- Audience Age
- Audience Gender
- Audience Marital Status
- Audience Parental Status
- Audience Income
- Audience Ethnicity
How does demographics pro calculate data?
Discover additional info about how Demographics Pro calculates data below — and why the Fohr team feels so confident in data from this source:
Demographics Pro relies on their core ability to estimate or infer the likely demographic characteristics (gender, age, marital status, interest, occupation, location, etc) of local consumers based purely on their social media presence/usage. Their methodology is data-centric, relying on multiple data signals from three primary areas: networks, consumption, and language. Data signals are filtered and amplified using large, proprietary knowledge bases of established correlations between data points and demographic characteristics. Finally, they combine multiple amplified signals using a series of algorithms to estimate or infer likely demographic characteristics. They require confidence of 95% or above to make an estimate of a single demographic characteristic for any given local consumer. Their success relies on the relatively low covariance of multiple amplified signals: iterative evaluation using established samples allows them to calibrate the balance between depth of coverage (i.e. the number of demographic estimates they make) and their required accuracy.