Why should I sign up with Fohr?

Creating a Fohr profile takes a few minutes, is totally free, and perks include access to tools that help you understand and grow your audience, and become searchable by brands who use their platform to run their influencer programs.

Free Fohr tools for influencers 


Analyze your numbers to uncover what resonates with your audience, and adjust your content accordingly. Track metrics and information including Average Reach, Most Engaged Posts, Sponsored Content Percentage, and more. 

Press Kit

Download a customized, up-to-date PDF press kit at any time. 

Content Search

Pitch your dream brands and send post-campaign reports to your contacts by searching a keyword, handle, or hashtag in your content. 


Drive your audience to leave Testimonials on your Fohr page – and hear directly from followers about why they follow you, what category you influence them in, and how often. 


Register your interest in potential Gifting and Pro Bono Opportunities. Similar to applying to a job, while you might not hear back from brands, Bulletin offers a great way for you to introduce yourself, and get your name in front of their team for review. 

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